Le Pont – A Bridge to Africa

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I have just returned from Togo, West Africa and witnessed first-hand, the transforming power of your gifts and prayers.

Qui Nous Sommes

We are an organization on mission with God to transform lives and communities in Africa

Nos Activités

Transforming lives and communities


Par le biais de notre programme "Parrainer un enfant"

la Communauté

Par nos Puits Vivants


Par la formation des transformateurs de la communauté

Child Sponsorship

$30 par mois permettent de payer les frais de scolarité, l'uniforme
et les fournitures scolaires, la visite médicale et les courses bimensuelles.

Adouke Aboladji

10 years old | Lomé - Togo

Chérifatou, a lovely girl, lost her father three years ago. Living with her mother and two brothers in a rented house, they struggle with school expenses. Seeking help for their education, the mother trades cassava flour to support the family.


10 years old | Lomé - Togo

Majoie, a kind girl, excels in school despite her father's loss. Her family struggles financially, seeking support for stability and education.

Herbert Afanou

10 years old | Lomé - Togo

Herbert, ambitious despite his father's abandonment, aspires to be a doctor. Excelling in school, he lives with his sister and mother, seeking support for their education in their rented house.


5 years old | Lomé - Togo

Aquilas, motherless with his sibling, lives with a devoted father managing entrepreneurial ventures to support them. Struggling, the father seeks assistance for Aquilas' education, fostering a bright academic future.

Aimé Johnson

15 years old | Lomé - Togo

Aimé, fatherless for 4 years, lives with her mother and siblings in a rented house. The mother struggles to support them, with the uncle helping in education. Support can aid their brighter future.

Ablorevie Eklou

10 years old | Lomé - Togo

Mari-love, a bright fatherless girl, lives with her sister and struggling mother. The mother sells rice to support them, facing challenges. Sponsorship can provide hope for their education and well-being.

Puits Vivants

$10,000 permettent de construire un puits dans un village, offrant ainsi de l'eau potable, des jardins potagers, une production de poissons et de volailles, des emplois pour une communauté et un centre stratégique pour le développement communautaire.

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