Le Pont – A Bridge to Africa

What We Do

Our Mission

Educate The Child

We believe that children are made in the image of God and loving and nurturing them is a sacred calling. Each child is unique with boundless potential. We look for every opportunity to develop children as they pursue their dreams. We do this through our Sponsor a Child program.

We currently partner with 9 schools.

$30.00 a month or $360.00 a year

will sponsor a child! Each child receiving a scholarship is carefully evaluated by the administration and teachers to ensure the child is committed and that the family of the child is in need of assistance.

What your monthly sponsorship does:

  • Pays for bi-monthly groceries that last a family of five for an estimated two to three weeks.
  • School tuition for the year.
  • School uniform and school supplies.
  • Case by case medical check-ups and intervention when needed. If your child has health issues, we will let you know. You can contribute towards health needs if you are able and would like to, no obligation!
  • Two Field trips a year.
  • Monthly check-in from our Le Pont team. We want to support, encourage dreams and to make sure your child is healthy emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
  • Regular communication with the school’s liaison. They know the children and their needs well.
  • The liaison from each school will visit your sponsored child once a month to be assured that everything is going well with them at home.

What you can do:
Pray for your child!
You can write to your child via email as often as you would like. The Le Pont team in Togo will translate your letters into French and Ewe for your child and they will have the opportunity to reply to you as well!

Prisca Peace Project

At Le Pont International, we are empowering women to transform their lives and communities through the Prisca Peace Project. Currently, 100 hardworking women have applied for and qualified to receive microloans to grow their businesses. These women include seamstresses, cosmetologists, shop owners selling groceries, spices, produce, and other goods.

The program is structured with an 8-month repayment period, and we are proud to share that we’ve achieved a remarkable 100% repayment rate. Over the course of three loan cycles, we have seen incredible success:

For the original 25 women who repaid their loans on time, we were able to triple their loan amounts, enabling even greater growth for their businesses.
In the second round, we doubled the loan amounts for another 25 women.
We have since expanded the program to include 50 women from the villages where our Living Water Wells have been established.
These women are dedicated and hardworking, and their determination inspires us daily. Madame Awouse oversees the Prisca Peace Project, providing essential training in accounting, marketing, and business development to ensure each participant has the tools they need for long-term success.

Through your support, the Prisca Peace Project is creating sustainable change—one woman, one family, and one community at a time.

Imagine if you can...

Your elementary-age daughter walking hours daily to fetch water instead of being in school. She gets up every morning to the same desperate routine. Her hope is on hold. In Africa, girls under the age of 15 are twice as likely as boys to be responsible for getting water for the family. To pursue a hopeful future, she and her family need water…every day.

Our Living Water Wells project bring together the three goals of LPI: children are educated, churches are equipped, and communities are empowered.

$15,000 puts a Living Water Wells in a village, providing clean water, vegetable gardening, fish and poultry production, jobs for a community, and a strategic center for community development​.

Equip The Church

Our passion at LPI is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. We do this by training community transformers. These community leaders oversee and maintain the wells as a base for community outreach. The church thus becomes a strategic center of community development.

$2,250 purchases a motorcycle for a pastor-missionary to reach remote areas with the gospel.